2013/AW Rorschach
『Rorschach』それはHermann Rorschachが考案した性格検査のひとつ。
今季はそんなRorschach testのようにその日の気分で自由に身につけて欲しい。
スウェット?ニット? 服?バッグ? 表?裏? さっきまで見なかったものが何かに見えてくる。
Rorschach is a psychological test created by Hermann Rorschach.
When you drop ink onto paper and then fold it in half, when you open it again you see it makes a symmetrical image. Perceptions of these inkblots differs in each individual person's subconsciousness.
With this season's collection, is-ness offers items designed to fit your subconscious mood just like the rorschach test.
Whether a sweat, a knit, a cloth or a bag each item changes with ones inner thoughts. What will you see today?